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Selectmen Minutes 09/27/2012
Town of Greenfield
Greenfield Town Offices, 7 Sawmill Road Greenfield, NH
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Thursday, September 27, 2012 – 4:30 pm

Board of Selectmen: Selectwoman, Karen Day and Selectwoman Debra Davidson
Staff: Town Administrator Patt, DPW Supervisor Murray
Public: Ashley Saari, Monadnock Ledger, Norm Nickerson

The meeting was called to order at 4:35 PM by Selectwoman Day.

Documents for Approval/Review/Signature
The Selectmen reviewed and signed the following items:
§       A/P Invoices
§       Payroll Manifest
§       Payroll Checks
§       LGC Flexible Benefits Plan
§       Fairpoint Notice of Order
§       NH Recreation and Park Association membership
§       Department of Labor – lunch waiver request form
§       Tax Collector Deed Waiver forms
§       Employee Health and Dental Insurance Co-pay update
4:35 PM: Review of Documents and Correspondence

At 4:35 the Board began reviewing documents. It was noted that the meetings originally posted for the 5:30 and 6:30 time slots had been cancelled. The Board reviewed and discussed several invoices and noted that a policy for protective clothing was needed. The Board requested follow-up on the Department of Labor time card policy. The Board reviewed the Tax Collector deed waiver forms but did not forward any requests to the Tax Collector. The Board reviewed the Fairpoint Notice of Order and discussed the suit brought against the Town by Fairpoint. Greenfield is one of 100 plus towns that Fairpoint is contesting the assessment of the right of ways and the taxation against the telephone poles.

5:30 PM: DPW Supervisor Murray

At 5:30 Supervisor Murray came before the Board to provide information about the proposed lights along the front of the parking area and to discuss the generator bids that are due on October 4th. With regards to the generator; Supervisor Murray has a propane generator at home and based on his home experience and his experience with diesel engines he wanted the Board to know that he is currently supporting diesel as the best approach to a stand-by generator for the Town Office. Norm Nickerson requested to speak and he explained certain attributes of a propane generator that made propane the best choice. Mr. Nickerson also indicated that based on the electricity demand/load at the Town Office, the generator in the bid notice was much larger than was necessary. The Administrator acknowledged that a 20kW generator was large by the Office’s usage but explained that there are people who have advocated for a larger generator to cover any future expansion at the office building. This includes Greenfield Fire and Greenfield Emergency Management members. The public notice was therefore published with several options so that the Town could compare the cost of propane vs. diesel, as well as compare a larger towable generator to a small 6500 watt portable unit.

Next the Board reviewed with Supervisor Murray his concerns about putting residential sized post lights along the front of the parking lot. He indicated that the amount of snow that can be thrown by the State snowplows, depending on the year, would ruin lights unless they were a sturdier build (commercial grade). The Administrator then outlined his conversation with Planning Board Chairman Bob Marshall, and concerns brought forth about the proximity of the proposed lights along the parking, lot to the Town Common lights. Mr. Marshall understood that the Town did not budget for the larger Town Common lights in 2012, but he felt it was possible that the Town might receive a donation that would help bridge the gap between the current maintenance budget and the cost of the larger lights. This would allow the installation of lights in 2012, which were needed to illuminate the walkway and parking area. It was agreed between DPW Supervisor Murray and the Board that if no donations were made that DPW would install a residential walkway light, and the bases for two lights along the front of the parking lot. The lights in front of the parking lot would be the larger Town Common lights.

5:41 Non-Public Department Complaint

John Garabrant came before the Board regarding an incident at the Fire Department. A request for a non-public session was granted by the Board under 91-A:3 II c Reputation. On a motion by Selectwoman Day and second by Selectwoman Davidson and a roll call vote of 2-0 the Board entered non-public session. The Board voted to go out of non-public session at 6:15. The non-public minutes were sealed. It was noted that the Board would like to schedule a meeting with Loren White, Fire Chief.

6:30PM: Plowshare Farm

Donat Bay and Kimberley Dorn-Bay came before the Board of Selectmen to discuss the recent addition of a parcel of land with octagonal building to the list of exempt properties. The Board asked several questions regarding the properties use and determined that the use met the requirement for exemption.

7:00 PM: Non-public Meeting with Town Administrator

Town Administrator requested a non-public meeting under 91-A:3 II c Reputation to discuss a welfare application. The Board voted on a roll call vote to enter into a non-public session on a vote of 2-0 with one absent. The Board voted to return to the public session at 7:21pm. It was noted that the non-public minutes were sealed.

7:30 PM: Tax Collector Kathy Valliere

At 7:55pm Kathy Valliere, Tax Collector came before the Board with a list of properties to discuss. The properties list was reviewed again and the Board discussed the process of abatement as it pertains to the interest that accrues on properties. The Board requested that the Tax Collector provide additional information regarding several properties, specifically the past payment record and amount of interest paid.  

Calendar Changes:

Starting on October 4th the Selectmen’s meeting will be held every week on Thursday evening at 4:30PM.

7:57 PM: Adjournment

There being no further business, Selectman Day moved to adjourn the meeting.  Selectwoman Davidson seconded.  The motion carried 2-0.

The meeting adjourned at 7:57PM

Respectfully Submitted:

Aaron Patt
Town Administrator

The minutes are final when approved and signed by the Board of Selectmen. A signed copy is on file in the Selectmen’s minutes.

_______________________          ______________________
Karen Day, Selectwoman                   Debra Davidson, Selectwoman